Seeking a dialogue between objects of natural and ancient evocation. Vocabulary of modulable and moldable composite ingredients. Newsprint and glue, stains, wire and color marks of different origin, mirror, blue, words, textures. Interventions played on the border between painting and sculpture inspired by an archetypal and universal imagery. “The more I think about it, the […]

Thinking Nature by Sara Cavallini

The works in the Thinking Nature series are the result of a project to investigate the relationship between humans and nature in contexts such as botanical gardens, nature parks, and biospheres, where the natural element appears reproduced and controlled by human intervention. It is not about a landscape preserved from rampant anthropization, but rather about […]

∏ by Marta Laurenti

∏ is a mathematical constant, a real, irrational and transcendent number, whose decimal expansion therefore never ends nor becomes periodic. It is an infinite number, implying that every possible numerical combination exists somewhere in ∏. In this endless string of numbers is the name of every person you have ever loved, what you will do […]