Thinking Nature by Sara Cavallini

The works in the Thinking Nature series are the result of a project to investigate the relationship between humans and nature in contexts such as botanical gardens, nature parks, and biospheres, where the natural element appears reproduced and controlled by human intervention.

It is not about a landscape preserved from rampant anthropization, but rather about spaces that become a synthesis of the complicated relationship between human design will and the spontaneity of nature.

The inclusion of artificial elements within the margins of the frame conveys in the observer, an awareness of the man-made planning of the natural context, revealing the character of the place and the bond that is established with those who frequent it: a feeling of wonder and nostalgia envelops the visitor, as if the encounter with the majesty of the vegetation had the power to reconnect him with the ancestral and primal part of his own being.

Sara Ferrari

/ Sara Cavallini, born in Carpi in 1989, has a degree in New Technologies for Art from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. In 2013, he completed the two-year Master’s Degree in High Education on the Contemporary Image at Fondazione Fotografia Modena at the end of which some works from the Thinking Nature series became part of the Italian Photography Collection of Fondazione Fotografia and Cassa di Risparmio di Modena. A master’s degree student in Visual Arts at the University of Bologna, she is involved in photography and art education. His photographs have been exhibited within various exhibitions and events including: Festival Filosofia, Si fest, Fotografia Europea, Arte in Contemporanea, Baessa 13 10 Arte Sella. He lives and works in Carpi.

/ Sara Ferrariwas born in 1987 in Modena, where she lives and works. Graduated from the master course in Contemporary Art History at The University of Florence, in 2014 she attended the Curators Course at Fondazione Fotografia Modena. He collaborates with museums and cultural institutions by designing workshops and educational paths and by taking care of the organization of study seminars, meetings and conferences.

European Photography

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