FACE TO FACE by Luca Pasqualini


Entering the Kunstgewerbeschule.
If I had to answer the question “when I met Luca Pasqualini and started printing his woodcuts,” I would answer:

“a century ago, in Weimar, he entered the Kunstgewerbeschule to go to Schlemmer’s class.” He came from Milan, where he had just met Depero at the Futurists’ exhibition…

But over the course of the century, Pasqualini looked at much more around him, synthesizing a compositional style that finds its essence in the interplay between geometrizing forms and color. An archaic and contemporary figuration together, faces, animals, objects translated on paper with the exclusive use of the xylographic technique, another very unique feature of this interesting young artist.

Luca Pasqualini was born in Legnago (VR) in 1982, graduated from the G.Chierici Art Institute (RE). He works in restoration, engraving and printing at the F.lli Manfredi Laboratory in Reggio Emilia.

Participates with two works in Italia Nostra’s Almanac, 2013.
Awarded at La Permanente museum in Milan for the graphic design of the 80th anniversary of Moka Bialetti, 2013. Exhibits at Arci (RE) “Pasqualini, engravings,” 2013.
At Palazzo Bentivoglio (Gualtieri, Re) “Game and Play,” 2014.
Participates in “Mantova Creativa” with a woodcut and a sculpture matrix, 2014. Presents “My Bestiary” in the greenhouse of Anna Baldi’s Atelier (Re), 2014.
Protagonist of Brac’s Art on Table at Brac’s bookstore in Florence, January-February 2015.
It is featured in the catalog “Art in Arts and Crafts, 2015,” Suzzara (Mn).
Presents “Papyrus Pascalini” during the Fare Libri event, Palazzo Casotti (Re), 2015.
With Interior Three, the project “Vegaglifi” (Re), 2016 was born.
Lives and works in Cavriago.

website: https://lucapasqualini.tumblr.com/
instagram: @pasqualini.luca
tel: +39 331 6508802

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